Friday 28 December 2012

South of Stonehaven

Spud rang Wed. night :- Phill wants to go up the north east coast tomorrow if you are up for it ?
Yea OK
I commented on the rain as we left Spuds house at 06:00 on Thurs morning only to be told :- Phill says it is going to be fine where we are going !
Well it wasn't raining but it didn't get any better than that.
We went up the A92 as far as Crawton where there are some fine cliffs, a great waterfall and a small shingle beach. We spent a couple of hours there then set off down the coast towards Catterline only to be thwarted by a landslip blocking the road and so we went to Todhead lighthouse instead. For any photographer who enjoys high cliffs and great rocky coastlines the area between Crawton and Todhead is a must to visit but remember to send up a prayer to what ever sun god you choose, a little bit of light is always welcome.

Best wishes to all for the fast approaching New Year