Sunday, 3 March 2013

The Easy Option

February has not been kind, STOP! The whole of the autumn and winter have not been kind to landscape photographers who can only indulge at weekends but February has been the most frustrating by far.
Some fabulous frosty, freezing cold, misty mornings then weekend the weather's good enough to get you out but shutting down around mid-day with blanket cover of clouds, this is not always head for home time, depending on where you are and what you hope to photograph flat lighting can sometimes be a bonus but not if you are up a hill praying for some directional sunlight or a 2 hour drive to a loch side, cup of tea in hand waiting for that same sunlight knowing that it's not going to happen. This is what February 2013 will be remembered for we went to some nice locations, Loch Lomond, Aviemore, Loch Rannoch and the best photographs were taken at my doorstep when I took advantage of some sunny spells and kept it local.
Never let anyone tell you that Landscape photography is an easy option,
It does my head in but there is nothing else I would rather do.

We were at a presentation by Charlie Waite recently and he reckoned that if he got 10 good images in a year he was doing well, now there is no way I am comparing my photography to that of Charlie Waite but 10 - 12 good photographs (Rab Kerr standard ) in a year, yea I'll take that